St. Martins: A Place of Tidal Wonder

June 02, 2022

Packed with big natural attractions (and we do mean BIG!), there are endless adventures waiting for you in the Village of St. Martins.

Local Instagrammers and photographers Scott (@sjxposed), Curt (@the_curt.b), and Daniel (@danielwithersphotography) recently spent a weekend down by the bay, exploring just some of the highlights of our stunning region. Read on to learn more about their visit:


Sea Caves

Scott and Daniel began their adventures at the St. Martins Sea Caves – the perfect starting point for any weekend getaway.

Did you know: The Bay of Fundy is home to the highest tides in the world, with billions of tons of water flowing in and out each day! With tides rising as high as 38 feet in St. Martins, visitors are left with epic sea caves to discover.

Some pro tips from Scott for first time explorers:

  1. Follow the path that goes over the rocks when exploring; the seaweed is slippery!
  2. Prepare to get your feet wet!

Shipyard Café

After journeying through the caves, the duo headed over to Shipyard Café for coffee and treats. Located in the heart of the village, this café has an atmosphere that will make you feel right at home!

Spinneys Seafood Market

Next stop - Spinneys Seafood Market. Offering fresh Bay of Fundy lobster, scallops, halibut, haddock and more, this local market is a one-stop-shop for all your seafood needs. While you’re there, make sure you try a lobster roll. From Scott’s point of view, they’re one of the best around!

Octopus Ice Cream

After coffee, treats, and seafood, dessert is next on the list! Scott and Daniel made their way to Octopus Ice Cream to enjoy delicious ice cream on the wharf. Even better, they were able to watch as the shop’s signature waffle cones were made right on site!

Watch the Instagram Reel of these adventures here!

Red Rock Adventure

?: @jordjamison 

Red Rock Adventure

The next stop on the weekend journey found Scott stepping out of his comfort zone with Red Rock Adventure! Providing customized experiences and wilderness guiding, Red Rock Adventure focuses on adventure, culinary, and outdoor education while highlighting the awe-inspiring Bay of Fundy.

Before jumping in a kayak for the very first time, Scott was given an in-depth demo of all the kayaking basics and safety training he would need. After training was complete, the boats were brought to the water and the adventure began!

With no wind, minimal waves, and nothing but sun in the sky, Scott couldn’t have picked a better day for his coastline experience. After journeying through the open waters, Scott and his kayaking team made their way to the sea caves for further exploration. The tour also included an onshore break with a smoked salmon, cheese, and cracker snack!

Check out this Instagram Reel of Scott's kayaking journey!

Art Shop

Local Artwork

What better way to follow up a relaxing adventure on the water than with a visit to check out some local artwork! After safely making it back to shore, Scott headed to art galleries at Octopus Ice Cream and Salty Dog Arts to take in the art of Mary Kennedy, Pat Dunn, and many other talented artists. These are just some of the galleries and artwork you can find in the area!

Beach Street Inn

Of course, every weekend escape requires the perfect nighttime accommodations, and Scott found a home-away-from-home in the form of the Beach Street Inn. Steeped in history, the Inn offers a boutique hotel experience for visitors to the region.

Each room at the Beach Street Inn is named after a shipbuilder or a ship built in St. Martins. Located on the top floor of the mansion, Scott stayed in the Bradshaw – a room including a king-sized bed, rain shower, chandeliers, USB ports, and everything needed to make a visitor comfortable during their stay.


The Beach Street Inn is also home to the Periwinkles restaurant. Scott enjoyed the Cedar Plank Salmon while Daniel tried the Petit Tenderloin Filet with demi-glace. For dessert, the two were treated to the Molten Lava Cake and Carrot Cake with Java Moose Coffee Bay of Fundy blend.

After a night of rest, Scott began his day with a walk and coffee on the beach, followed by a delicious breakfast back at Periwinkles, featuring a veggie frittata, sourdough toast, and fresh orange juice!

See the beauty of the Beach Street Inn for yourself in this Instagram Reel!

Eagles Nest

Eagles Nest Bay of Fundy

For the second half of Scott's St. Martins adventures, Scott and Curt headed over to Eagles Nest Bay of Fundy to fully immerse themselves in St. Martins’ natural beauty.

Eagles Nest Bay of Fundy is a rustic cabin offering a spectacular view of the Bay of Fundy. Located next to the UNESCO Quaco Head Lighthouse and many prestige beaches, this accommodation provides a serene escape from the main village, and truly showcases the beauty of the region.

Eagles Nest

Scott and Curt enjoyed breakfast by the cabin and an adventure through Porcupine Trail, making sure to stop at all the lookout points along the way. In the evening, Curt prepared the two a fireside meal, before they finished off the evening taking in the campfire, enjoying smores, and falling asleep to the sounds of the bay in the not-too-far-off distance.

St. Martins truly is the village where stunning comes standard. Whether you’re exploring the highest tides in the world, taking in the local artwork, chowing down on some of the freshest seafood around, relaxing at an Inn, or roughin’ it in the woods, adventure is waiting around every corner. If you’re looking for your next great escape, make sure you add St. Martins to the top of your list!

St Martins



Scott, Curt, Daniel

Scott (@sjxposed), Curt (@the_curt.b), and Daniel (@danielwithersphotography) pictured during their weekend stay in St. Martins. Scott collaborated with these two local photographers to help capture the beautiful photography and videography linked throughout this post!


Reconnaissance du territoire

La région de Saint John est située sur le territoire traditionnel des nations Wolastoqiyik, Mi'Kmaq et Peskotomuhkati. Ce territoire est couvert par des traités de paix et d'amitié conclus avec la Couronne britannique dans les années 1700. Ces traités reconnaissaient le rôle important et significatif des Wolastoqiyik, des Mi'Kmaq et des Peskotomuhkati dans cette province et dans le pays, et visaient à établir une relation de confiance et d'amitié.

Envision Saint John : L'organisme de croissance régionale respecte les anciens, passés et présents, et les descendants de ce territoire, et s'engage à poursuivre sur la voie de la vérité, de la collaboration et de la réconciliation.