Explore Fundy Trail Provincial Park with the Pros

May 08, 2023

Home to one of the last remaining coastal wilderness areas between Labrador and Florida, the Fundy Trail Provincial Park is the crown jewel of our province, offering magnificent views and experiences on the Bay of Fundy.

We sat down with those who know the hidden gems of the Park – from staff who are new to their role and exploring for the first time – to those who have experienced every sight there is to see. Read on and build your ideal Fundy Trail adventure today!

Experience an Alfresco Picnic Overlooking the World-Famous Bay of Fundy

Beverley Franklin has been with the Fundy Trail  since the beginning – her father was the visionary behind building the Trail and she sketched the first map more than 50 years ago.


“I guess I inherited my father’s gene to promote and complete the Fundy Trail,” she explained.


And though most people enjoy hikes during their Fundy Trail visit, Beverley shares a secret spot that is perfect for a picnic.


“There is an intimate dining spot (complete with picnic table) that is tucked away just off the auto parkway that very few people have yet discovered,” she said. “It is located at Big Salmon River lookout, complete with stunning vistas in every direction, yet hidden from view by passing vehicle traffic.”


According to Beverley, this isn’t your average place for a picnic – it is all-encompassing – romantic, comfortable, accessible, beautiful, and private.


“Now that I’ve shared my ‘special get-a-way’ place, I may have just shot myself in the foot and will no longer have the privilege of having this lovely little rendezvous place all to myself,” she said. “However, I know it was built to be shared, and I’m hoping that others will experience the same quiet joy of this little hidden gem on the Fundy Trail.”


Beverley at Long Beach
Beverley Franklin at the Fundy Trail.

Hike the Cranberry Brook Loop

Murray Kyle joined the Fundy Trail team in May 2021 – his top experience is hiking across the Park on the Cranberry Brook Loop – with strenuous sections, including a 304-step cable ladder that meets the Fundy Footpath. The total distance of the Cranberry Brook Loop is 3.8km, and it takes the average hiker about 1.5 hours to complete.


“There is never a dull moment,” Murray explained. “Time spent exploring the many trails, lookouts, waterfalls, streams, and beaches and the natural beauty of the park reveals something new and exciting – no matter how many times you experience it.”


Cranberry Loop
Cranberry Loop 302-step cable ladder that meets the Fundy Footpath.

Fundy Footpath Day Adventures

Anne Wilson is the Walton Glen Gorge Interpreter at Fundy Trail  – as an avid hiker, she has checked off all 26 trails within the park.


“A hidden gem is taking advantage of the Fundy Footpath in day hikes, without the need to carry heavy overnight packs,” Anne explained.


“Beginning at Big Salmon River Suspension Bridge, hikers quickly begin to experience the ancient, Acadian Forest when hiking toward Long Beach (approximately 4km). If you continue toward Seely Beach, you will encounter Dragon’s Tooth, a large boulder that looks like a dragon’s tooth, precariously balanced near the edge of the cliff.”


Dragons Tooth
Anne Wilson at the Dragon’s Tooth boulder.

Anne explained that hikers can place a vehicle at each end of their journey, so they don’t have to hike back.


The footpath then proceeds from Seely Beach to Cradle Brook, then on toward Little Salmon River, and up through the McCumber access trail to Walton Glen.


“The Footpath has many steep ascents and descents and is for the hiker who likes a good challenge,” she said.


Anne’s short day-hike recommendations include:

  1. Big Salmon River Suspension Bridge to Long Beach
  2. Long Beach to Seely Beach
  3. Seely Beach to Walton Glen Reception Center

The Fundy Trail Provincial Park holds eight of the 50 Amazing Places in the Fundy Biosphere Reserve: Fuller Falls, Big Salmon River, Long Beach, Dragon’s Tooth, Seely Beach, Cradle Brook, Eye of the Needle and Little Salmon River Gorge.


Join Beverley, Murray, and Anne at the Park this summer, and take in adventures that are truly spectacular!

Reconnaissance du territoire

La région de Saint John est située sur le territoire traditionnel des nations Wolastoqiyik, Mi'Kmaq et Peskotomuhkati. Ce territoire est couvert par des traités de paix et d'amitié conclus avec la Couronne britannique dans les années 1700. Ces traités reconnaissaient le rôle important et significatif des Wolastoqiyik, des Mi'Kmaq et des Peskotomuhkati dans cette province et dans le pays, et visaient à établir une relation de confiance et d'amitié.

Envision Saint John : L'organisme de croissance régionale respecte les anciens, passés et présents, et les descendants de ce territoire, et s'engage à poursuivre sur la voie de la vérité, de la collaboration et de la réconciliation.